Be More Successful at Real Estate Prospecting - Smart Sales Coaching
calendar February 15, 2023

Be More Successful at Real Estate Prospecting

real estate prospecting motivation board

The key to success as an agent is real estate prospecting. No matter what kind of market we’re in, or what time of year it is, there IS ALWAYS a lot of business to be had out there. And there’s a lot of money to be made. But you can only take advantage of all that available business and money if you consistently add leads to your real estate sales pipeline.

Capturing new leads and then converting those leads into clients is the only way you’ll be successful in this industry.

The question is, how do you do real estate prospecting the right way? We’ve put together some tips to help you out.

You Need a Gameplan

Successful real estate prospecting requires you to be methodical and consistent. In order to do that, you need a plan in place. By “plan”, I mostly mean commit to time blocking your calendar. Let’s face it, real estate agents have a ton on their plate. By carefully laying out and organizing your calendar, and including things like real estate prospecting, you’ll be more likely to actually do it. Be specific on your calendar with what type of prospecting activities you’re doing, whether it’s phone calls, emails, maintaining your social media ads, or something else.

Set aside time for real estate prospecting at least several times a week, if not every day.

Follow Up, Follow Up, Follow Up

The only way to do real estate prospecting effectively is to be relentless with your follow up. If you aren’t as tenacious as possible, then you’re going to lose out on business. Generally, you are not going to make contact with a prospect on the first attempt. More often than not, it will take multiple touches over a number of weeks to make contact with the lead. In order to follow up the right way and deliver the correct amount of touches, you need a great real estate CRM to store and organize contact information, keep communication records, and know when to reach out again.

Build a Support System

It’s extremely difficult to be successful with real estate prospecting or really any part of your real estate career without a support system. You need people to help hold you accountable, complain to about unruly prospects, and celebrate your wins. Having this support system is made even more difficult these days because everyone works from home. But there are resources available to you. Do Zoom calls with your team and hire a real estate coach to help you stay on track.

We Have Resources that Can Help

In addition to offering several real estate training programs and dedicated coaches, at Smart Coaching and Training we also offer the Real Estate Prospecting Room. It’s a virtual sales floor on Zoom where you can do your lead generation, go on sales calls, role play with fellow agents, celebrate your wins, and commiserate with each other about any losses or bad calls. 

The Prospecting Room is a collaborative environment that takes the loneliness and isolation out of prospecting.

Plus, if you really want to bring your career or your team to the next level, then we have training that can help, including a Spring Training Program that will help you convert more leads when we enter the busy season. Plus, you get access to the Real Estate Prospecting Room with the program to help fill out your pipeline.

Have Questions? Contact Us!