Smart Words: “You are only worthy of what you prove yourself to be.” – Alice Hoffman
Smart Tactics: One of the fastest ways to increase your confidence with new leads is to have an amazing answer to the question of “Why should I buy or sell with YOU instead of any other agent or company?”
If you are only working repeat and referral business, you probably don’t often need to answer that question. However, if you want to grow beyond the rate that your database can generate new referrals for you, you will need to be able to talk to people who don’t already have a high degree of know, like, and trust with you. That means you need to be able to answer the question of “Why should I buy or sell with you?” in a confident and compelling way. There are thousands of us in any market, and tens of thousands in larger markets…so having a great answer to that question is critical. At my training company we call that a Value Statement. It’s the backbone of your buyer presentation, your listing presentation, and a shorter version can be used to close a new buyer or seller lead for a first meeting.
We use a very simple formula to help new students build their Value Statement. It goes like this:
- I, We, or My Team
- With Our: Knowledge, Experience, or Process
- Give You: Result, Result, Result
Check out this video to see what I’m talking about.
Here’s how that might sound: “Why should I buy with you?” – “Thank you for asking…I’ve been helping home buyers through the buying process for the last x years, and I’m also on the number x team in (area). What that means for you is that we provide the most access possible to homes both on and off the market. Plus, because of our x years of experience, we have perfected a 12 step process that ensures you find the best home for you and your family and get it at the best price possible without losing it to the all the other buyers competing for homes right now.”
That is how you set yourself apart from the competition and win your next appointment or contract.
Always get smarter,
P.S. If you didn’t read last week’s email about objection handling…check it out here.
P.P.S. Next week I’m going to give you our expert strategies on closing for appointments the best way possible…you need to catch that email and video.