Call Review Session: Assume the Person You're Talking to Is Who You Should Be Talking to - Smart Sales Coaching
calendar February 25, 2019

Call Review Session: Assume the Person You’re Talking to Is Who You Should Be Talking to

Call reviews are a critical part of inside sales agent training. Our call review sessions are the only opportunity in our industry for a highly trained coach to listen to your actual calls and the calls of your inside sales agent team.

In today’s Call Review video, Dale goes over what to assume on your calls and what not to assume.

For example, when entering your calls you should assume the person you are talking to is the person you should be talking to and that they are looking to take action on buying or selling a home. If they aren’t the right person, you can rest assured they will let you know!

Don’t assume relationships (don’t say things like your “husband” told me this or your “girlfriend” said that) unless one of the people you have spoken to have definitively told you the nature of it.

If you like this coaching and want to have a highly trained coach listen to your calls or your team’s calls, then you can either check out our coaching options or schedule a free 30-minute consultation call with Dale.

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