May 2019 - Smart Sales Coaching

weekend in real estate

Weekends in Real Estate: Make the Most out of Your Time

One of the best parts about working in real estate is the fact that you get to set your own hours and get to be your own boss. That’s what they tell you at least. But what all real estate agents know is that that freedom often comes along with more obligations. Sure, you can set your own schedule. But the flip side of that is that you also have to be available to your clients when and where they need you. And many times, that includes weekends.

The thing about working for yourself is that you don’t have a big boss you have to answer to, but you do have a lot of little bosses in the form of clients. You are working for them. And although you have the freedom to choose who you work with and when you work with them, if you want your real estate business to thrive, then you’re going have to fulfill your clients’ needs to the best of your ability.

Working Weekends in Real Estate

The thing about working in real estate is that you have to be available to work when most be people aren’t working. You have to have meetings, show houses, and put on open houses when your clients have the time. And the fact of the matter is, the majority of people work your typical 9am-5pm job Monday through Friday.

That means that the evenings and weekends are when most of your clients are going to want to look at houses with you. It’s also when it may be easiest for seller clients to get out of the house for while so multiple showings can happen in a single day. If you have clients coming in from out of town, then I’ll bet that they are most likely coming in on the weekend to check out a bunch of houses.

Weekend Work-Life Balance

If you’re an agent then you know there are a lot of benefits to working in the real estate industry. High income potential, flexibility, the chance to build something on your own, just to name a few. And working weekends doesn’t have to be a major drawback. Below are a few tips for making the most out of your weekend while still killing it with your real estate business.


As the saying goes, with greater freedom comes greater responsibility. As a real estate agent, you have much more control over your hours and income than the average 9-5 employee. But what that also means is that it’s on you to grow your business and make sure your clients are happy. That means being available when they need you and often working during the times when most people are not at work. However, that doesn’t mean you have to work 24/7 and be miserable.

Like most things, working in real estate is a give and take. Stay focused during the week, set clear boundaries and expectations, and work hard so you can start growing your business and building a team. Just remember, your family and your personal life are just as important as work. So make sure you treat it that way!