Benefits of LIVE Real Estate Training Programs - Smart Sales Coaching
calendar June 12, 2024

If you’re an agent, then the odds are that at some point you’ve gone through training either for yourself or with your team. No matter what your skill level or how much business you generate, real estate training is a crucial part of growing and leveling up your career. It helps you freshen up your methods, learn new sales techniques, and see how other successful agents are doing things.

The problem with many types of real estate training, however, is that it’s often just a series of pre-recorded videos that cover the different concepts. There’s no interaction, little to no effort required on your part (other than watching a screen and MAYBE taking notes), and it’s not very engaging. That’s a tough way to learn for a lot of people.

Live real estate training, on the other hand, offers some clear advantages over just watching a series of instructional videos.

Interaction with a Professional Trainer

Live real estate training, like what we offer at Smart Sales Coaching, is led and supported by a professional, experienced trainer. They are actually teaching you rather than talking at you. You have the chance to directly ask them questions, clarify something they said, or ask them to expand in a certain area that is relevant to you. Live classes create more of a two way street in which you are working through the material and concepts together, leading to much better understanding and making the information more useful to you.

Roleplaying and Call Review Sessions

Our real estate training courses will implement two key exercises for improving your sales skills: roleplays and call reviews. If you’re learning how to overcome a specific objection, for example, being in a live training course means that you can roleplay that lesson with the trainer or other attendees right away. Doing so ties together the theoretical learning with practical application, giving you the chance to see how the concept actually applies in the real world.

Call reviews are also a crucial real estate training technique that allow you to walk through your calls with the coach, so you can see exactly what you did wrong, what you did right, and what you need to work on. Both roleplaying and reviews calls are not possible if you are just watching a video training course.

Live Real Estate Training Holds You Accountable

How many times have you paid for a training program or course, felt really good that you took the step to buy it, started it, got busy, and then never finished it? It happens. The problem is that a traditional video training course feels easy to drop by the wayside when things get crazy or you just have a lot to do. By having a live, scheduled course with an actual real estate trainer, it holds you far more accountable.

Why? First off, it’s harder to skip an actual appointment or meeting on your calendar than it is to simply not watch a video. And second, you know the trainer is going to ask you about the things you’ve been learning about, and you might even have to roleplay it, so there is a much greater push to actually practice it and learn it.

You’re Surrounded by Other Agents Who Have the Same Goal

If you’re a solo agent or just not doing the real estate training with your team, then a huge advantage of live sessions is that you aren’t alone. You’ll be actively learning and practicing with other real estate agents from across the country who are all working towards more sales and more commissions. You can learn from each other, roleplay with each other, help each other through issues you’re having, celebrate wins together, and build an invaluable support network.

The advantages of live real estate training are huge. They can make ALL the difference when it comes to actually improving your skills and growing your business. If you want to check out our training programs, click here.

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