Real Estate Videos Agents Should Be Making in 2023 - Smart Sales Coaching
calendar December 8, 2022

Real Estate Videos Agents Should Be Making in 2023

camera for real estate videos

Real estate videos have become a huge part of agent marketing. When people start their search for a home, they go online first. And once they’re online, most people would prefer to watch a video rather than read something. Real estate videos showing listings and videos conducting tours of homes have become a must. But the question is, as we move into 2023, what other creative ways can agents make use of real estate videos?

Here are some of the key types of real estate videos that agents should be making as we move into 2023.

Show the neighborhood

When people purchase a home, they are also buying into the neighborhood. In addition to listing videos of the house itself, do a real estate video of the surrounding neighborhood and town to showcase local businesses and what it has to offer. Show the street the house is on and anything cool that is close by. Incorporating drone footage of the neighborhood will take your video to the next level!

Make a school review video

For families, the local schools are a huge selling point for buying a home. Do some research on the local school district and make a video that highlights what its strengths are. Again, most people would much prefer to watch a video than read something.

Client testimonial videos

Online reviews on Zillow or even your own website are often taken with a grain of salt by readers. However, if you can ask a happy client to shoot a quick video of themselves on their phone explaining why they loved working with you and what you did for them, that comes off as much more genuine and believable.

“Just Sold” Video

Similar to a client testimonial video, the “just sold” real estate video will showcase your past work, show your relationship with your client, and let a potential client see the types of home that you normally sell. Show off the house, but make it personal and try to have yourself and the client in the video. You can just shoot it informally on your phone.

Showcase yourself

A lot of agents will have an “about me” video on their website. But if you really want to build a personal connection with leads and clients, then shoot videos of your life! Whether you’re on the job driving to a listing appointment or at your kid’s soccer game, shooting a quick video on your phone and sharing it on social media can help build a personal connection with your network.

Explainer videos

Explaining real estate topics or how the selling or buying process works is nothing new. But doing it on videos that are easily consumed will help establish yourself as the expert in your market on all things real estate.

Give Yourself an edge with real estate videos

People want to watch videos, so give them what they want! Implementing these simple real estate videos into your marketing strategy will help you get a leg up on the competition and help build trust with the clients and potential clients in your market. Just keep them informal, short, and sweet—the more personal, the better!

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