Vicky demo - Smart Sales Coaching

Recruiting and Hiring an ISA

Are you leaving leads on the table just because you can’t get to them? I am going to break it to you… It’s time to hire an ISA. I know, but how are you going to find the time to do that? Don’t worry we have you covered. Our recruiting and hiring service takes the reins to find you an ISA in your area that will help you. We will execute all efforts needed to put forward quality ISA candidates. We will run ads in your local market, pre-screen the candidates and put them in front of you for the interview. BOOM. Call it an ISA slam dunk.

New ISA On Ramp

So you hired an ISA that blew your socks off in the interview but now what? Training a newly hired ISA and giving them the attention they need is imperative to their success. Just throwing them a scripting manual, access to your CRM, and saying “good luck!” just will not cut it. This program is for you. We will take your newly hired ISA and put them through an intense 2 week training. 1 hour a day, 5 days a week, for a total of 10 sessions. Let us make your new ISA into a lead converting MACHINE! The sessions include CRM training, script training, call reviews, and live action role play.

These are Our Services

Conversion University Bootcamp

Set Appointments and Nurture Relationships that Will Turn into Closings!

Conversion University

I need scripting & dialogue training for myself or my team!

Smart Leadership

I need guidance on how to lead and build a successful team!